Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 1 - RevAbs

Well, last Friday my new exercise program finally came in the mail, as well as my dumbells! Since the calendar provided in the program package started on a Monday, I decided to give myself a "last weekend" where I was lazy and didn't worry about what I ate. It was nice, but I couldn't wait to get started!

The program asks you to record certain stats to moniter changes and progress. They even include a set of fat calipers to help you figure out your body fat percentage. So, as much as it is slightly embarrassing, here are my beginning stats:

Weight: 137 lbs
Waist: 28"
Body Fat %: 23.8

Overall, as a 5'3" tall female, I am in the normal/ideal range on everything. While I was thinking about my current stats, I started having thoughts like, "I want to get down to 120 lbs again" and "I want my waist to be 24 inches again." Then I realized I have to squash those thoughts. It's nice to have those sorts of goals, but those aren't things I can completely control. Goals need to be things that can be mostly controlled by me in order for this to be a success. So, my goal is this:

Eat healthy, balanced meals (and keep them down), and do each exercise when the plan says.

The way I see it, if those things are my goals, and I'm only recording weight and inches occassionally to keep track of progress and look back on, I can't be disappointed in myself. Those goals are entirely in my grasp to accomplish.

As far as Day 1 exercising goes, it was great! I wasn't as vigorous as I wanted to be because I'm in a second floor apartment and I hate being the loud, abnoxious one in the mornings, but I did the best I could! I won't have to worry about it for about a month here soon though. I live in employee housing, and the resort I work at is doing a spring closure/cleaning, and most of my neighbors are leaving for that time because they don't have work. In the department I work in I still have full time work, so I'm gonna be sticking around and exercising vigorously each morning! :)

So Day 1 of exercising down, now the hard part will be focusing on the food aspect of things. I know it's not going to be easy the next 90 days after my Disorder has thrown my food habits all over the place, but that's one reason why I'm doing this. I want to get back to having a healthy relationship with food and reclaim my power over it. It shouldn't be able to control me like it has been.

Wish me luck, because here I go!

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