Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Broken World

"i thank You God for most this amazing"
by: e.e. cummings
i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any--lifted from the no
of all nothing--human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

This morning I had to be to work at 10:30AM. I had wanted to hike the past couple days, but one thing led to another and I haven't been out since my second post. I decided to hit the sack a little earlier last night so I could get up early and do at least a couple hours before I had to get ready for work. And am I ever glad I did it! I went on the Hunter Creek Trail again. It was quite cool, and the sun hadn't yet been able to break over the mountains. The stillness and the quiet was incredibly calming. I explored a few short trails coming off the main one, and that was fun. At one moment, I was overlooking the river, thinking about Jane's Addiction's song "Broken People." One phrase goes:
Welcome to the world
Welcome to the aching world
A woeful world
Of Broken People
When I was having a really difficult time with my Eating Disorder and depression, that's how I oftened described myself to my ex-husband - "Broken." I felt broken, unfixable, and I felt that no one in the world deserved to have to deal with my issues. In the past while (and thanks to Jane's Addiction), I've come to understand a little better that everyone is broken in some way. So then the next question came to mind: If people are broken, shouldn't we get fixed?

I don't know what your spiritual or deity beliefs are, but I believe in God. I believe that He has a plan, but doesn't have direct and specific influence on day to day things. I guess I believe He's kind of like a super hero - if you believe that He's there, when you need it, He'll show up to help. I've felt closer to God through nature than just about anything else. It seems he uses it to speak to me when nothing else makes sense.

Well, today as I was thinking about why so many people are broken and seem unfixable in this world. Then, it came to me - it has to be that way. Allow me to explain:

I was looking around at the mountains. Beautiful and majestic, unique and awe-inspiring . . . Well, they are simply broken earth. I observed the river . . . If the boulders hadn't broken loose, there wouldn't have been a river. If things hadn't been broken in this earth, it would be one smooth, flat surface that would essentially be unihabitable. God needed to allow things to be broken so that other things could grow and expand.

I am Broken. But that doesn't mean that I'm incapable of being beautiful, majestic, unique, and awe-inspiring just like the mountains. I guess the trick is to embrace my cracks. They aren't fixable (things happen that you can't just cover and forget), but I'm sure there is something valuable that they can provide (like space for a river to flow through). Every cloud has a silver lining, and every break has meaning.

This truly is a wonderful, broken world, and that's the way God needs it to be. Even if we don't exactly understand why, I believe we will in time.

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