Friday, July 13, 2012

The Laws of Physics are Unchangeable

Yesterday morning, I decided to go on a hike before work. There is a nice one about 5 miles long about 1/2 a mile out my back door, but that still meant I'd have to be up at about 5AM. It was totally worth it though!

I had to use my headlamp for about the first 45 minutes, and I placed my iPhone music on stereo to scare the bears away :) One particular song was playing when I came upon the view below at about 6AM (please pardon the blurry shot, the iPhone wasn't meant to capture landscapes):

I still wasn't to the top of the mountain, but the words of SuperChick's "Beauty from Pain" provided me with one of my infamous nature epiphanies:

"I cling to your promise, there will be a dawn"

I had been using a head lamp, and the shadows were thick, deep, and many . . . But I did turn the light off, and natural light flooded the landscape. It doesn't matter what happens during the night, the sun will come up. Even if there are clouds that block the direct rays, the light still spreads. It's inevitable. A MAJOR disaster has to take place for that light to be blocked out.

So, it got me thinking that the laws of nature and physics tell me that eventually I have to get better right? The alternative is taking part in a major disaster, and personally, I think the above photo is much prettier than a dark haze. I'd rather see more of those moments that than a dark haze.

One might also say that due to the laws of nature, "What goes up must come down!" So, that even if I think I'm recovered, I'll fall again. You know, that may be true. Of course I'd rather have the changes be permanent; This back and forth is exhausting and leaves me unsure about how to define myself. But dusk is as certain as dawn. Maybe I would like to at least have 50% sun than none at all . . . And maybe it's worth enduring the night to see those dawns . . .

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